The talk at today’s monthly meeting was given by Maxine Ford of the Alzheimer’s Society. The number of members attending was somewhat less than usual, possibly because the subject matter is not one with which we feel comfortable.
Maxine explained Alzheimer’s disease is, in simple terms, a form of Dementia. She brought with her a small booklet entitled “5 things you should know about Dementia”. Perhaps not a booklet we would rush to acquire, but when one reads point 5 “There’s more to a person than the dementia”, it certainly goes a long way to explaining those frightening words “ Alzheimer’s Disease”
We were introduced to Tony and his wife and carer Iona. Tony suffers with Alzheimer’s, and he sat and quietly explaining, with honest good humour and confidence how he came to recognise all was not well and the steps he took to obtain the diagnosis. It became obvious that between them Tony and Iona have done all they can to deal with a condition which, sadly, will not improve. The meeting clearly appreciated how brave it was for the two of them to come and talk to a room full of strangers about their experiences.
Although quite different from the usual monthly topic it was one well received by those who attended the meeting.
Useful Link:
Penny Thomas. 4 June 2015