Pembrokeshire U3A News Archive for 2011


Pauline Walker has retired as Leader of the Natural History Group after
many years of commitment and hard work, that made the Group so successful.
Viv Scale is the new Leader, backed up by June Conlon, and is optimistic
that the Group will continue and flourish.

“During the Natural History
Christmas lunch at The Wolfe Inn on Wednesday 14th December, Pauline
was presented with gifts on her retirement from very grateful
members. Pauline ran this successful group for many years and whilst
we are sorry to lose her leadership, fortunately we don’t lose her
kindness and sunny disposition, as she will remain a member“

Daphne Evemy.


The Pembrokeshire U3A held their annual Carol Service in the Methodist
Church Neyland at 2.00pm on the afternoon of Friday 9th December. Nova
Husbands welcomed everyone, and between sixty and seventy members attended
joining in the carols and appreciating the readings. The address was given
by the Reverend David Owen and the ‘Singing for Pleasure Group’ sang a
beautiful Christmas song. Seasonal refreshments afterwards were provided by
Margaret Harries and Beryl Wattley. The celebration was organised by Ifor


Newsletter Editor Retires!

Maurice Gould retires after many years as
editor of the Pembrokeshire U3A Newsletter.

At the General Meeting on the
1st December Nova Husbands presented a gift to Maurice and expressed
the members’ appreciation of his hard work and effort throughout his
period as Newsletter Editor.

Photo: MW

Maurice & Nova

Projector Shows


The new U3A projector allowed members who attended the December Business
Meeting to enjoy the U3A DVD in vivid colour. It featured members of the
Pembrokeshire U3A as well as groups across the UK. We were able to see the
wide range of fascinating activities from our own DIY experts (see photo) to
the Belly Dancers of Stocksbridge, Yorkshire.

U3A Christmas Buffet 1st December 2011

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03 04
05 07


After the Annual General Meeting and a showing of the U3A Film
that features the Pembrokeshire U3A and some of its most active
members, a splendid Christmas Buffet was laid on by the staff of the
Neyland Athletics Club.



Photos: GPWW

What are your views on the future of Nuclear Power in
the UK?

10 This current affairs hot topic was the
subject of the Debate at Merlins Bridge U3A Meeting on Wednesday
morning chaired by John Croxen. Graham Goodeve and Frank Harbud
proposed the motion ‘That the UK abandon its programme of using
Nuclear Power for electricity production’ adopting the same policies
as Germany, Italy, Switzerland Scotland and Wales.

Their arguments were that the
has neglected and run down its Nuclear programme so that it is no
longer a leader in Nuclear development and expertise. UK Governments
have been too slow and complacent in recent decades and now we will
need to depend on imported technology and experience if we intend to
generate half of our electricity using Nuclear Power. Problems of
decommissioning old reactors and dealing with Nuclear waste are long
lasting and very expense costs. Potentially there could be major
hazards with accidents and terrorist acts. The alternative is to
develop and utilise the
UK’s immense natural resources of
renewable energy – mainly wind, tidal, geothermal, and water – to
fill the energy gap.

Joe Reilly and Miles Huthwaite opposed
the motion maintaining that Nuclear Reactors have a good record of
safety in the UK. Other forms of energy production have caused
considerable loss of life and accidents in recent decades. The UK is
geologically a stable and safe environment for Nuclear Power
Stations unlike Japan. With the increasing expansion of other World
economies competition for gas and oil will raise costs, reduce
supplies and make the UK vulnerable to insecure energy supplies.
Nuclear Power provides the UK with the only viable and secure source
of energy for the future and necessity will encourage the future
development and growth of the Nuclear industry.. U3A members
attending provided a comprehensive range of opinions supporting and
opposing the motion.
final judgement of the debate was that the motion was narrowly
carried by 10 votes to 8.

Graham Goodeve

Business Meeting 3rd November


U3A member Pauline Copeman, entertained us with tales
of her days as a “Special” in the police force.
Her experiences as a lady in the Met and later in Leicestershire were
both touching and humorous. She
brought back memories of the “Sixties” and a time when few of the police
rushed around in cars with their blue lights flashing, when police on the
beat had to use their initiative and when she and her colleagues, being
faced with an emergency, often had to go into shops and ask to use the


In Crisis – Energy – The Basis for Civilisation 6th October

was the subject of a fascinating and stimulating lecture at the
Torch Theatre
on Thursday 6th October attended by
about 50 members from the U3As in the County as guests of the Pembrokeshire
Earth Sciences Study Trust. This has recently been set up through the
generosity of a successful Oil Geologist from Tenby. It provides Bursaries
to Pembrokeshire students to study Geology at university and finances a
programme of lectures for Sixth Formers by leading Geologists. This fifth
lecture was presented by
Hardman CBE, a former president of the Geological Society (of London),
Chairman of the Petroleum Society of GB, and the doyen of exploration
geologists worldwide.

In the current climate of concern over rising energy costs for transport and
heating it was very appropriate to hear the opinion of a leading expert on
these matters. The excellent presentation of up to date information and
ideas through graphs and other diagrams revealed the problems of the current
crisis in energy production and consumption around the world. Richard
Hardman outlined the variety of ways in which leading economies are
attempting to deal with this problem, and particularly in the ensuing
question and answer session, discussed views on the UK response to this
matter. Alternative and renewable energy resources are vitally needed to
ensure the continued functioning of our economy and maintenance of our
current living standards.

Our problem, and that of our children and grandchildren, is how are we to
achieve this?

Partly for this reason we are having a debate, the first we have ever had in
this U3A, on Wednesday 30th November at the Merlins Bridge Welfare Hall at
10am. The motion to be debated by four speakers is ‘That the programme for
building Nuclear Power Stations in the UK be abandoned’. This is a highly
contentious issue. All U3A members are invited to attend and are encouraged
to express their varied opinions on the motion.

Graham Goodeve
October 2011

Business Meeting 1st

A huge turn-out of members (filling the hall and using up every spare
chair), was welcomed by Nova at the NAC earlier today. The Meeting
started with a motion, unanamously passed, to set the annual subscription
for the coming year to £15 per person. This was followed by the usual
business of the day and a number of Group Leaders making appeals and
announcements as the busy programme of activities gets into gear for the

egm1 egm2

After the coffee break Mike Wort and Geoff Winterman, the Local U3A
Webmasters, gave a talk about the development of the Website and the Forum
as it ends its first year. They are particularly keen that members who
have access to the Internet support it, and that Group Leaders keep a
special eye on the “What’s On” Diary Page to make sure the complex diary of
activities for members is up to date and accurate. They concluded by urging
members to participate in, and contribute to, the Forum.

Art Groups Summer Exhibition 23rd -29th August

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The combined art groups held their annual exhibition of paintings at the Methodist Hall, Carew from
Tuesday through to the following Monday (Excluding Sun) 23rd — 29th Aug.
Photos of the Exhibition can be found on the website
HERE and on the Forum

Summer Social Meeting 7th July

Social Meeting 2011 - 1 Guess who?
Social Meeting quizz session Guess the Committee Member
Photos – MJW

A Walk for the Hope Charity for Multiple Sclerosis

Charity Walk

It was an event arranged as part of Brunel week in Neyland. When we finished the
walk, we had a Lunch at St Clement’s Church Hall! The Lunch was excellent…The
Ladies worked hard to provide such a good quality food. It really was very nice.

WiFi now available at NAC

The Neyland Athletic Club now has a working wifi system. This will be
especially good news for the computer and perhaps the photographic groups.
Any member or group who wishes to use it can now connect with details on the
Members only section of the forum. Click here for details


June 2nd Talk by Susan Brown on her experiences as a music

At our monthly meeting on Thursday June 2nd we were treated to a very
professional and interesting talk by Susan Brown on her experiences as a music
examiner , particularly in Hong Kong. She gave us a very good introduction to
life out there and had some entertaining anecdotes to tell about the trials and
tribulations of her work. We came away with visions of immaculately dressed
little boys and girls doing their grade exams with enthusiasm and enjoyment –
and we all learned to chorus “Yo San” (= good morning) , and were told about
one of her candidates who took his first music exam in his 80s – so come on,
what are we waiting for ??

Thank you Susan. Nova

Susan Brown 1 Susan Brown 2
Susan Browm 3 Susan Brown 4
Photos: by Carol Matthews & Jackie Page

May 5th Jean Lewis talks about the “Quaker Movement”

Jean Lewis

One of our members Jean Lewis, gave a fascinating talk on The Quaker Movement. On its history, its local links with Pembrokeshire, in particular Milford Haven, and the practises and philosophy of the membership of the Quaker Movement.

Jean also provided illuminating answers a number of searching questions and comments by the many U3A members who stayed on after the U3A monthly business meeting that took place on Thursday 5th May at the Neyland Athletics Club.. From their ovation at the end it was clearly enjoyable and appreciated presentation.


April’s “Antiques Valuation Show”

This month saw a return of the popular Pembrokeshire version of the Antiques
Roadshow. Three local experts in their respective fields gave opinions and
valuations of a range of items brought along by members. Dave Butcher
provided insights into the field of Printed Collectables, Gary Humphries
had the hot seat (in the sun) to provide the longest queue with guidance on
China and Objets d’art and finally Reg Palmer weighed, measured and evaluated
Clocks, Watches and Jewellery.

The morning was enjoyed by everyone. However, it is unlikely that
anyone will be buying their dream villa in the sun on the basis of the
valuations received.

Dave Butcher Dave Butcher
Dave Butcher appraising cards and stamps.
Reg Palmer Reg Palmer
Reg Palmer and his wife examining a variety of timepieces and jewellery.
Reg was also collared by our roving reporter Ifor Swales to comment on one of
the more valuable pieces. In this case a solid gold chain worth over
£1000 and a watch of similar value.
Reg Palmer
Fob Watch Reg Palmer
Gary Humphreys and Nova Gary Humphreys
Gary Humphreys and
our Chairman, Nova Husbands
Gary examining some World War 1 German medals
Gary Humphreys Gary Humphreys
Gary Humphreys had one of the ‘finds’ of the day with a splendid sword brought
along by Brian Ball.

The sword was presented to John Moore
after the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. Further documentation in the form
of a letter and the last will of his wife added to the evidence of provenance.Last will of John Moore Photos – MJW

Visit to the National Museum in Cardiff

On the morning of Tuesday 15th March over seventy Pembrokeshire U3A members from
Tenby to Fishguard set off in two coaches for a day at National Museum Cardiff.

On our arrival we got our bearings and after a quick cup of coffee everyone went
their separate ways.

We initially headed for the “From Steep
– the feature display from Dazu China of the
incredible sandstone rock carvings; beautiful, intricate and detailed carvings,
that must look even more wonderful in their original setting. There happened to
be a class
of 10/11 year old school children busily
sketching the objects around the exhibition as we arrived. As we wandered around I noticed how
well behaved they were and how skilled some of their drawings

Moving on we wandered into the exhibition of drawings and etchings, “Lyrical
, by Pembrokeshire’s own Augustus John; born to
Haverfordwest solicitor and his wife whilst they were staying at Tenby
avoiding an outbreak of scarlet fever in Haverfordwest in January 1878.

After lunch we joined one of the guided tours of the newly furbished Impressionist and Modern
. Personally I am more of a fan of the Impressionists rather than
Modernists, but each to his own, and it was interesting hearing an ‘expert’
explaining the threads that link the various
schools of art through those years of
change and development.

During the afternoon we wandered around some of the other displays, the fabulous Mineral
Collection of Lady Antonia Herbert
, Countess
of Powys where we were
surrounded by stunning rocks and beautiful crystal.

Next we happened upon the geological and natural history of our planet, where I
found the Moon Rock fragment. There in a small display case,
was a piece of the Moon
just an inch from my outstretched fingers – it sent shivers down my spine.

As the time to leave drew closer we made a hasty sortie into the “Amazing
exhibit showing how modern tracking technology has
our understanding of the migrations of birds, and our final few minutes were
spent with the “Algal Blooms”, plants that have some
nasty habits. The day has flown, and
it is now it is four o’clock time to catch the coach home. We never came across
“Fish & Ships”, celebrating
20 years of archaeological discoveries in the Severn

GPWW 18th March 2011


further information here.

Thirty eight U3A members and prospective members attended the meeting in the
Albany Hall, Haverfordwest on Monday morning, 7th March, to discuss ideas on
developing more U3A activities in and around Haverfordwest.

This area has the greatest concentration of population in the County but at
present we only have local groups offering German Conversation, French, Reading,
Knitting and the Monthly Lunch at the Golf Club..

The meeting supported the intention to expand the programme of U3A activities
for the Third Age Residents of Haverfordwest in addition to those available at
Neyland and elsewhere. It was acknowledged that we needed to respond to the
desire to reduce journey times and travel costs and provide group activities
near to the main centre of population.

A number of venues for activities were suggested including the Albany Hall,
Picton Centre, Library, Leisure Centre, Age Concern, PAVS, Community Hall in
Scarrowscant Lane, De Clare Court, and Prendergast School. These possible
venues and others will be checked by a small steering group consisting of Penny
Reed, Helga Anstey, John Hudson and Graham Goodeve.

Members offered suggestions for a wide range of activities to be developed.
These included:

Computing Canasta Art Appreciation
Photography Welsh Conversation Literature Appreciation
Reading Mathematics Current Affairs Discusion
Aerobics Yoga Music & Movement
Astronomy Singing for Pleasure Short Match Bowls
Scuba Diving Guitar for Beginners Local History
Natural History Italian Art

The Steering Group will attempt to investigate and see how arrangements can be
made for an initial programme of activities and will liaise with Sonia Nicholle,
the Groups Co-ordinator and the U3A Committee. Obviously it will take a little
time to get the programme in Haverfordwest under way and the Steering Group will
report progress on the website and in the next U3A Newsletter. If you have any
ideas, comments and suggestions please send them to me tel. 01437 741391 and


Haverfordwest Meeting 2

Graham Goodeve 9th March 2011

50+ Central Forum (“A Voice for Older People”)

The Pembrokeshire U3A was well represented at Letterston Memorial Hall on Friday
4th of March for the 8th Annual Conference of the 50+ Central Forum.
Key speakers included Professor Vanessa Burholt, Head of Gerontology at Swansea
University, Jon Skone County Director of Health/Director of Social Care and
Andrea Nicholas for the Welsh Assembly Government.

Advice (Pembrokeshire has produced a booklet) for anyone who wants to go on living in
their own home but, because of old age and/or disabilities, may need help,
information or specialist advice to do so. Finding the right care can be
difficult and time-consuming. You may need help from a variety of sources. This conference brought together details of the key organisations, such as the
National Health Service (NHS), voluntary organisations and independent
providers, as well as Adult Services, that might be able to help you or the
person you care for. The document also included general information for anyone
wanting to get the most out of life, despite difficulties that may arise because
of age or disability. You will therefore find advice regarding transport, social
activities, training and volunteering, as well as useful tips for looking after
yourself and your home. The booklet is available from Pembrokeshire County

The Pembrokeshire U3A display prompted a good deal of interest. In
particular, the ‘New’ U3A DVD that features our local group. The
conference was chaired by Councillor David Wildman, Cabinet spokesperson for
Adult Services & Care.


David Padfield

Business and Social Meeting – Thursday 3rd March

At the March meeting one of our more recent members, David Padfield, gave an
amusing and thought-provoking talk on effective communication, based on his
varied experiences as a language teacher. He got us thinking about the problems
(and sometimes advantages ) of being deaf and signing – very useful in a
crowded pub where hearing people can’t ” hear themselves think” – and the deaf
can carry on conversations quite happily… And how important visual signals
are where sound does not exist ( he gave an example of the wedding reception
where the groom was profoundly deaf and the speeches were greeted by applause
from the hearing guests – and a forest of raised and waving hands by the deaf
guests…) We were warned of rhe importance of proofreading our e-mail
messages – where the misplacing of an e and an a resulted in the missive ” dear
pet, thank you for the massage ” – leading to a certain amount of marital
disharmony… And we will all watch our pronounciation next time we’re in
France and say ” merci – beau coup” instead of “merci beaucoup” meaning
“thanks – nice bum “!! So thanks David , we’ll be careful….

Nova Husbands

Photo – MJW

Business and Social Meeting – Thursday 3rd February

The speaker at our monthly meeting was Julie Cooper. She gave a very
inspiring – and humorous – account of her 20 years as an army cook with all its
highs and lows – ranging from being helicoptered onto a destroyer to cook for
royalty to bartering WD40 for turnips to feed the troops in Bosnia…. She left
school in Pembroke with just a handful of CSEs – and a wish to see the world –
and she showed us how with determination anything is possible, as she worked her
way through the ranks to a position of authority and respect , culminating in a
richly deserved M.B.E.

Nova Husbands

Julie Cooper
Photo – MJW

Social Meeting 6th January 2011

Today’s Social Meeting was a resounding success with many extra tables and
chairs needed to accommodate the huge turnout of U3A members for the first general meeting
of 2011
After coffee and welsh cakes the morning started with a session of community
This was followed by a seasonal quiz and mulled wine and lots of chat and discussion..
Photographs kindly provided by Daphne Evemy

All In A Day’s Filming. By Joe Rielly

A report on the making of the new U3A DVD on
location in Pembrokeshire

As was announced in the U3A News issue 92 Autumn 2010, a new DVD about U3A
activities was to be produced. The key requirement for this video brief was to
make the point that you did not have to be a retired schoolteacher, college
lecturer or professional of some sort to be a member of the U3A. It was to
emphasise that it was also for ordinary people from every kind of background.
Suggestions were sought for suitable groups to appear in this video. Jean
Goodeve submitted a selection of groups from our area for consideration. There
are 760 U3As in the UK and Pembrokeshire was chosen from all of them to appear
in the film. The other areas chosen were in towns and cities and I think we were
chosen to represent rural communities. Also both my groups take place in
member’s homes, whilst the other groups chosen, used halls or other institutions
for their activities.

I met the film crew at the slipway at Landshipping at 8.00am as arranged. The
crew consisted of Anke, Producer/ Director, Alex, cameraman, Mike sound and
second camera. They wanted to film me going out to my sailing yacht on her
moorings. They filmed me launching the dinghy to go out to her and boarding. I
checked the mooring, opened up and hoisted the ensign. Then I had to return and
pick up the cameraman who sat in the bow of the dinghy whilst we repeated the
scene again. They then went off, capturing country scenes, as I returned home to
meet the French Conversation Group who were due to arrive at my house.

The film crew arrived and spent some time filming outside in the road before
setting up in our front room. Caroline had to enter and leave the house a few
times as they filmed her arrival, complete with a cheek- kiss for the host each
time! The room was filled with six of us sat round the table from the French
group, watching anxiously as tripods, reflectors, lights, microphones and other
gear filled the whole room. Margaret and I were fitted with personal
microphones. Ornaments were moved and seats re-arranged until the crew were
satisfied with the set up. Filming then began. We were asked to start our
conversation as normal: this was me asking each person to say in French what
they had done last month or last week. When they had filmed enough we were taken
one by one to sit on a chair with a different camera three feet from our face.
We were all asked the same questions, such as what made us join the U3A, what
groups we joined, what other groups did we know about, how would we describe the
U3A to someone who had not heard of it and similar. Then we had tea and cakes
that Margaret and the other ladies had prepared. The second group, from the
Basic Home Maintenance Course arrived. They too had the close up interview as
the others had. We had a photo shoot of the whole group in the garden in the
rain under umbrellas, before a buffet lunch with some wine to swish it along.
The French group left us as the others went into the workshop where we did a few
sample tasks for the camera. The second group left us and I was invited to the
hot seat for a further session of questions.

Filming ended at 5.30pm and the crew left for the Midlands for their next U3A
group. Once the initial nerves were overcome we all thoroughly enjoyed the day.
The crew were very professional and worked in a calm relaxed way that made it
easier for the “cast” to co-operate. I believe the film will start with the
commissioning board of the U3A introducing the organisation, then the four or
five filmed groups will appear. The DVD will be about 25 minutes long and our
part may be five minutes out of the eight hours of filming. We may of course be
edited out completely, but we enjoyed the experience regardless.

Details about obtaining your own copy of the DVD


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