Discussion Group

The Discussion group meets every 4th Friday of the month at Steynton Church Hall, at 2 pm for two hours.

Each session consists of a serious discussion, tea and cake, and then a lighter discussion.  Each topic is selected at the previous meeting.  A volunteer outlines the main issues, and then it is a free for all.

The discussion is conducted in a friendly manner, with everyone able to give their opinion free of criticism.  We may wander off the point occasionally but that is interesting too.

This is NOT a debating society.  There is no result or outcome of each discussion, the interest is in being able to express your opinion, and listening to others’ points of view.

Topics discussed so far:
– Have we become more fussy in our eating habits?
– Have we become a less caring society?
– Does the Welsh Language hold Wales back?
– What is the best way to fight over-population?
– Should cannabis be legalised?

– Are you satisfied with your sleep?
– Is the Honours System Anachronistic?
– Who are our National Treasures?
– Music of the fifties, sixties or seventies, which is your favourite?
– Room 101, what or who would you put into it?

To join this lively group contact:
David Pinch : 01646 694149 : davidpinch5213@btinternet.com