Author Archives: Mike Wort

Coronavirus/Covid-19 Information

Just a few links to articles and information sources that might be helpful and to help counteract some of the misinformation:

Covid-19 Mutual Aid UK   A resource for finding local support groups and resources. 

WHO Myth Busters  Facts to counteract some of the myths around Covid-19.

Worldometer  See how the rest of the world compares.

Video Clip  Illustrates the value of social distancing.

How Covid-19 can spread  I won’t be rushing to a buffet any time soon.

Which? on Facemasks  Where to buy and how to make them.

Warning  The next few items are for the more scientifically trained and curious minds but are not recommended for casual reading.

UpToDate  Links and information about the science and research on Covid-19.

Simulating an Epidemic  One for the mathematicians.


I’ll add more as I find them.

MJW – Updated 30 May 2020

December 2017 AGM

The AGM  took place on Thursday 7th December.   The full report will be in next month’s Newsletter.

Following this the winner of the Gentlemen’s Bake Off was once again announced as Bob Matthews. 

Bob Matthews. Winner of the Gentlemen's Bake Off 2017

Winner of the Gentlemen’s Bake Off 2017

The entries



The meeting was then entertained by Fiddlebox. The Fiddlebox duo are George Whitfield on accordion and vocals and Helen Adam on violin and vocals.  More about Fiddlebox here

Click on the > to play a sample

Safety in the home

Two representatives from the Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service attended the meeting. Whilst Chris MacDonald tested members’ electric blankets his colleague Andy gave an excellent presentation entitled ‘Safety in the Home’.

We were reminded of the dangers of overloading electrical sockets, hazards in the kitchen, (thank goodness for the demise of the chip pan, the cause of so many fires in the home, which has now been replaced by the thermostatically-controlled deep fat fryer) and the need to ensure that our fire alarms are in good working order (these should be tested weekly!).

When the Service test electric blankets, if they fail to meet the required standard the plug is removed before the blanket is returned to its owner. One or two of our members are now looking for a new electric blanket. The overall message was – use your common sense when dealing with potential fire hazards in the home, and when locking up at night the key should remain in situ.


We will be holding our 4th Annual Quiz on Friday May 12th, at Neyland Athletic Club. As in previous years, it will take the form of a GENERAL KNOWLEDGE quiz for teams of 4, open to all members. The emphasis will be very much on “general” knowledge, with questions on subjects that will be familiar to everyone, such as Music, Literature, Geography, Food & Drink, History, etc.

We’re sure that most of you enjoy watching quizzes, or taking part in them, or both, & hope as many of you as possible will get together with your friends in the U3A, perhaps with other members of your Groups, form a team, and come along and join in what should be a fun, social afternoon.

There is no entry fee, but obviously we need to get some idea of numbers and, nearer the time, a commitment. If you would like to enter a team, or, as an individual, would like further details or information on taking part, please get in touch with me, my contact details are below.

The quiz will begin at 2pm, & we aim to finish around 4.30pm, with a short comfort & refreshment break in the middle.

Peter Brown
01834 813895

New Year’s Message from the Chairman

 I wish you all a very Happy and Healthy New Year.  If there was some indulgence over the Christmas period why not join one of our walking or exercise groups or take up table tennis as a way to regain your fitness and figure!

There now stretches ahead short days with dubious weather; may I remind you of the New Year’s dinner at the Allt-yr-Afon on 20th January 6.30 for 7 pm.  if you don’t like driving at night why not get together with others and hire a taxi?

The food is lovely and the evening gives an opportunity for the ladies and indeed the gentleman to wear their finest attire please give it some thought the booking form and menu may be found on the web site.

I look forward to seeing you on 5th January when our speaker is Julian Cremona who will talk to us about Polar Bears.

Penny Thomas