- Do you enjoy solving puzzles- especially those with some numerical, geometrical or logical content?
- Do you remember with horror or joy your “O” levels or “A” levels in Maths?
- Are you curious about how things have changed since then?
Answer “yes” to any of these, and you may like to join us. This fun interactive group has recently worked through a couple of modern O-level papers in order to discover topics which have been added to the curriculum since our day.
Our forthcoming meetings will start with Vectors.
The maths required for this group does not go beyond O-level algebra. The hard bit is not the maths but the thinking and a willingness to rethink things previously regarded as obvious.
Meetings are usually held on the third Friday of the month and are held at John Croxon’s house in Gellyswick, Milford Haven.
Please get in touch if you could be tempted by any of the above.
Link to forum CLICK HERE
John Hammond : 01437 721516 : jfhammond@hotmail.co.uk