Status:- Active.
Leader:- Bob Matthews
When:- 2nd Thursday, 01437 768048
Venue:- Merlins Bridge, Members Home.
We meet at my House (see contact details below), on the 2nd Thursday of the month at, except August.We have a dozen members but attendance is usually about eight. We welcome new members.
Besides researching our own ancestors we can get quite involved discussing all aspects of social history.
Link To Pembrokeshire U3A Forum CLICK HERE
Monthly meeting program
Download information sheets as below.
(The link goes to an index page, click on the page title to see the information sheet.
Click on the word “Index” at the bottom of the page to return to the index page).
16th June – Find Fathers of illegitimate children
21st July – Find Military ancestors online
15th Sept – Decipher old certificates and documents
20th Oct – Write a family history memoir
17th Nov – Backing up and sharing your records
15th Dec – Transfer files to a new program / Export data from your family tree